My concept of time seems to be a bit different from the way other people see time. With me, time never goes on at a regular pace, but instead, sometimes it takes these rapid sprints, and other times it stands still. With one thing, time runs out, and another thing just stops it entirely. A good example of how completely I suck at time management is, that my previous post in this blog is from September 2017. It feels as if it was only a few weeks ago, but I guess I have to trust my calendar on this. This was not the way things were supposed to go!
Sometimes I completely lose track of time, especially when I’m making art. On many days I haven’t noticed that I’ve been painting for hours until the evening sun starts to shine through my window. This time of year the sun barely sets at all, so I can’t really rely on nightfall to remind me of putting my brushes down and going to bed.
I’m also possibly the worst procrastinator I know – and I also get sidetracked way too easily to get anything done. Or, well, I do get things done, but usually they are not the things I intended to do – just like right now, with this text. I actually had something to say.
The reason for me finally remembering to update my blog is that my art exhibition opens in a week at my local library. My plan is to slowly post all of my art-related content, images etc. to this website, and this site has been a work in progress for a whole year now. I wanted to make sure that there was something to actually see online before my exhibition opens, and although there is no way this site is complete after a week, at least it has some content. This is a baby step into the right direction. Hopefully, this will become something more in the near future – the biggest obstacle seems to be my time management.
Below is my official art exhibition poster. The name of the exhibition is “Of colours and shadows” – paintings, drawings and poems from both sides of the line. I’m planning to make a virtual exhibition of the works in the real life exhibition later on, and also add more content to the gallery in general.

My art exhibition poster